Friday, September 19, 2008

Just to note

I have to sign in more, because people are reading and leaving comments and I am just not paying any attention. I have offers for editors... well editor. My cousin, and she is pretty freakin smart, so I should have tapped into that, because my editors here are just to nice ot me about my papers. I am turning the caesarean section one in today, but i will get something up for the mysticism paper soon. It's due next Thursday, and I haven't really put pen to paper.

Mysticism- It is all about letting go of things of this Earth to reach enlightenment with God. There is a lot in there about everyone being God. Also, the mystics don't have attachments to anything. They live day to day, moment to moment. They have no emotion because they aren't attached. It is strange. I understand it, but I don't get it. They also think they have many experiences with oneness with God while they are still on this Earth.


Moonfairy said... feelings so no attachments, sometimes I wish I could be like that, I mean becauses no one could hurt your feelings or let you down. I'm at a strange place with my spirituality right now, kind of in an atheist type place, but still working on that one. Good luck in the class, I'm looking forward to reading more of your papers!!

Moonfairy said...

Oh yeah, and thank you for saying you think I'm smart!! You made my day!